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Creating a Google View in an HTML Document

Hello there! Today, I’m going to show you how to create a Google-like view in an HTML document. Follow these simple steps to achieve this:


  1. Open Notepad++
    Start by opening Notepad++ or any other text editor of your choice.
  2. Write the HTML Code
    Copy and paste the following HTML code into your text editor:
   <p align="center"> 
   <font size=10 face="Berlin Sans FB Demi"><br><br>
   <font color=Blue>G 
   <font color=yellow>o 
   <font color=orange>o
   <font color=red>g
   <font color=Green>l
   <font color=Blue>e
   <input type="text" size=40> <br> 
   <input type="submit" value="Google Search">
   <input type="submit" value="I'm feeling lucky">
  1. Save the File with a .HTML Extension
    Save the file with a .html extension at your desired location. For example, you can name it google_view.html.
  2. Run with Any Web Browser
    Locate the saved file and open it with any web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge).
  3. See the Result
    You will see a simple Google-like search page in your web browser.

Code Explanation

  • <html>: This is the root element of the HTML document.
  • <head>: This contains meta-information about the document, but it’s empty in this example.
  • <body>: This is where the content of the HTML document is defined.
  • <p align="center">: This tag creates a paragraph and centers its content.
  • <font size=10 face="Berlin Sans FB Demi">: This sets the font size and face for the text.
  • <font color=Blue>G: These tags set the color of each letter in “Google”.
  • <br><br>: These tags create line breaks.
  • <input type="text" size=40>: This creates a text input box with a size of 40 characters.
  • <input type="submit" value="Google Search">: This creates a submit button with the label “Google Search”.
  • <input type="submit" value="I'm feeling lucky">: This creates another submit button with the label “I’m feeling lucky”.
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By following these steps, you can create a simple HTML page that mimics the appearance of Google’s homepage. Enjoy experimenting with HTML!

Creating a Google View in an HTML Document
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Creating a Google View in an HTML Document
Hello there! Today, I'm going to show you how to create a Google-like view in an HTML document. Follow these simple steps to achieve this:
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