Posted in: Class Practice

Blender MCQ

Attempt these questions and make 40% score to be passed!!!


#1. What is the purpose of the ‘Modifiers’ in Blender?

#2. What is the shortcut to render the current frame in Blender?

#3. Which render engine is enabled by default in Blender?

#4. What is Blender primarily used for?

#5. What does the term ‘UV Mapping’ refer to in Blender?

#6. What is the default file format for saving Blender projects?

#7. Which key is used to toggle between Object Mode and Edit Mode in Blender?

#8. What is the purpose of the ‘Viewport Shading’ options in Blender?

#9. What is the shortcut to duplicate an object in Blender?

#10. Which tool is used to move objects in Blender?

See also  Class8-Word5

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