- Computer Fundamentals
- Windows
- Notepad
- Paint
- Explorer
- Control Panel
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Power Point
- HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
- Internet & E-Mail
- Database Management system
- MS- Access
- RDBMS and SQL with Access
- Real Life Project
- Visual Basic
- Algorithm & Flowchart
- Programming C
- Project
- Advance Programming C
- Object Oriented Program in C++
- Dynamic HTML
- VB Script
- JAVA Script
- Real Life Projects
Introduction to Python

- Computer Fundamentals
- Windows
- Notepad
- Paint
- Explorer
- Control Panel
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Power Point
- Adobe Page Maker
- Bengali Software
- Corel Draw
- Printing & Scanning
- Real Life Projects (in Page Maker and Corel Draw)
- Internet & E-Mail
- Advance Photoshop
- Image Repair and Retouch
- GIF creation
- 50+ Projects
- Understanding 2D Animation
- Macromedia FLASH
- Action Script in Flash
- 20+ Flash Projects
- Advance Drawing in Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe In-Design
- 3D Max
- Audio and Video Mixing
- Projects
- Modelling
- Video Mixing

- Information & Technology
- Analog & Digital Electronics
- Programming C
- Computer Oriented Statistical Methods
- Computer Organization & Architecture
- Data structure
- Python
- IT Lab
- Analog and Digital Electronics Lab
- Programming C Lab
- Data Structure Lab
- Python Lab
- Discrete Mathematics
- Business Economics and Financial Analysis
- Operating System
- Principle of Software Engineering
- Object Oriented Programming using Java
- Red Hat Linux
- Web Page Development
- Operating system Lab
- Java Lab
- Red Hat Lab
- Web Page Lab
- Final Project
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Advance Diploma
DescriptionAdvance Diploma Course, Offline Course directly from Institution.
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