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50 Common Phrasal Verbs | Must Know English Learners

Here are 50 of the most useful English phrasal verbs with their examples and Bengali meanings:

  1. Break down
  • Example: The car broke down on the way to work.
  • Bengali: ভেঙে পড়া
  1. Bring up
  • Example: She brought up the issue at the meeting.
  • Bengali: উল্লেখ করা
  1. Call off
  • Example: They called off the game because of rain.
  • Bengali: বাতিল করা
  1. Carry on
  • Example: Despite the noise, he carried on working.
  • Bengali: চালিয়ে যাওয়া
  1. Catch up
  • Example: I need to catch up on my reading.
  • Bengali: তালে তাল মিলানো
  1. Check in
  • Example: We checked in at the hotel at noon.
  • Bengali: চেক-ইন করা
  1. Check out
  • Example: We have to check out by 11 AM.
  • Bengali: চেক-আউট করা
  1. Come across
  • Example: I came across an old friend in the market.
  • Bengali: দেখা হওয়া
  1. Come up with
  • Example: She came up with a brilliant idea.
  • Bengali: প্রস্তাব করা
  1. Cut down
    • Example: He needs to cut down on sugar.
    • Bengali: কমানো
  2. Drop off
    • Example: I’ll drop you off at the station.
    • Bengali: নামিয়ে দেওয়া
  3. Figure out
    • Example: Can you figure out how to solve this problem?
    • Bengali: সমাধান বের করা
  4. Find out
    • Example: I just found out that he’s getting married.
    • Bengali: খোঁজ নেওয়া
  5. Get along
    • Example: Do you get along with your neighbors?
    • Bengali: মিলেমিশে থাকা
  6. Get over
    • Example: She can’t get over her breakup.
    • Bengali: কাটিয়ে ওঠা
  7. Give up
    • Example: He gave up smoking last year.
    • Bengali: ছেড়ে দেওয়া
  8. Go on
    • Example: Please go on with your story.
    • Bengali: চালিয়ে যাওয়া
  9. Hold on
    • Example: Hold on a second, I’ll be right back.
    • Bengali: অপেক্ষা করা
  10. Look after
    • Example: She looks after her younger brother.
    • Bengali: দেখাশোনা করা
  11. Look forward to
    • Example: I look forward to hearing from you.
    • Bengali: অপেক্ষা করা
  12. Make up
    • Example: They made up after the argument.
    • Bengali: মিটমাট করা
  13. Pass away
    • Example: His grandfather passed away last night.
    • Bengali: মারা যাওয়া
  14. Pick up
    • Example: Can you pick up the kids from school?
    • Bengali: তুলে নেওয়া
  15. Put off
    • Example: Don’t put off your homework until tomorrow.
    • Bengali: পিছিয়ে দেওয়া
  16. Run into
    • Example: I ran into an old friend at the mall.
    • Bengali: হঠাৎ দেখা হওয়া
  17. Run out of
    • Example: We’ve run out of milk.
    • Bengali: ফুরিয়ে যাওয়া
  18. Set up
    • Example: They set up a new company last year.
    • Bengali: প্রতিষ্ঠা করা
  19. Show up
    • Example: He didn’t show up for the meeting.
    • Bengali: উপস্থিত হওয়া
  20. Take after
    • Example: She takes after her mother.
    • Bengali: চরিত্রগত মিল থাকা
  21. Take off
    • Example: The plane takes off at 6 PM.
    • Bengali: উড্ডয়ন করা
  22. Take up
    • Example: He took up painting last month.
    • Bengali: শুরু করা
  23. Turn down
    • Example: She turned down the job offer.
    • Bengali: প্রত্যাখ্যান করা
  24. Turn off
    • Example: Please turn off the lights when you leave.
    • Bengali: বন্ধ করা
  25. Turn on
    • Example: Can you turn on the TV?
    • Bengali: চালু করা
  26. Wake up
    • Example: I wake up at 6 AM every day.
    • Bengali: জেগে ওঠা
  27. Work out
    • Example: He works out every morning.
    • Bengali: ব্যায়াম করা
  28. Back up
    • Example: Always back up your important files.
    • Bengali: অনুলিপি করা
  29. Break up
    • Example: They broke up after five years together.
    • Bengali: সম্পর্ক ভেঙে দেওয়া
  30. Calm down
    • Example: Calm down and tell me what happened.
    • Bengali: শান্ত হওয়া
  31. Carry out
    • Example: He carried out the experiment successfully.
    • Bengali: সম্পন্ন করা
  32. Drop out
    • Example: He dropped out of college.
    • Bengali: বাদ দেওয়া
  33. Fill out
    • Example: Please fill out this form.
    • Bengali: পূরণ করা
  34. Get along with
    • Example: Do you get along with your colleagues?
    • Bengali: মিলেমিশে থাকা
  35. Give in
    • Example: He finally gave in to their demands.
    • Bengali: মেনে নেওয়া
  36. Keep on
    • Example: Keep on studying until you understand it.
    • Bengali: চালিয়ে যাওয়া
  37. Look into
    • Example: The police are looking into the matter.
    • Bengali: তদন্ত করা
  38. Make out
    • Example: I can’t make out what he is saying.
    • Bengali: বোঝা
  39. Put up with
    • Example: I can’t put up with this noise anymore.
    • Bengali: সহ্য করা
  40. Show off
    • Example: He likes to show off his new car.
    • Bengali: প্রদর্শন করা
  41. Take care of
    • Example: Please take care of my plants while I’m away.
    • Bengali: যত্ন নেওয়া
See also  Most Common Phrases in Spoken English

These phrasal verbs are frequently used in everyday English and can help improve comprehension and communication skills.

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