Posted in: Technology

Create Wallpaper as you wish, in 10 seconds | Step by step Guide |

Problem: Wallpaper is an important thing to enhance the device desktop look, if it is mobile, Tabs or Desktop, Often we search on internet to find out our desired wallpaper, rarely we found it many of the times we managed our desire with anyone. Some Mobile Stores offer you to download a high quality wallpaper in premium. Somehow we manage a free download but many of the times we need to Crop them to fit properly on our device background.

Solution: But you will be happy to know that all these problems have been solved magically for Us. Yes Microsoft has brought AI Tools for us to create our desired wallpaper as we like within 10 seconds, and it is absolutely FREE. Amazing, doesn’t it?

Okay then let’s see how this tool work….

How to Create a FREE Wallpaper?

  • There are many things which AI can create for you as you see in this picture, however to create a wallpaper just click on Wallpaper Icon. It will take you to a new tab
  • Where you have to type a description of the image (Which one you want to create) and You can select your image size also
  • Now click on Generate button, you can see the below result (As I have written description for example)

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Create Wallpaper as you wish, in 10 seconds | Step by step Guide
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Create Wallpaper as you wish, in 10 seconds | Step by step Guide
Create Wallpaper as you wish, in 10 seconds | Step by step Guide for You
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