HTML and CSS MCQs, there are 10 questions and pass marks: 40%
Category: Class Practice
Blender MCQ
Attempt these questions and make 40% score to be passed!!!
Class3_ Ms-Paint2 MCQ
A test MCQ of Microsoft Paint
Please attempt all questions and finally click on “Finish” button to check your result. Pass marks: 30%
Please attempt all questions and finally click on “Finish” button to check your result. Pass marks: 30%
Class11- Excel2
Please attempt all questions and finally click on “Finish” button to check your result. Pass marks: 30%
Class9- Word6
Please attempt all questions and finally click on “Finish” button to check your result. Pass marks: 30%
Class12- Excel 3
Please attempt all questions and finally click on “Finish” button to check your result. Pass marks: 30%
Please attempt all questions and finally click on “Finish” button to check your result. Pass marks: 30%
This quiz only for Unique’s student who have completed their fifth class on “Microsoft Word”
Class23-Number System
This quiz only for Unique’s student who have completed their class on “Number System Math”
Class 1- Fundamental
This quiz only for Unique’s student who have completed their first class on “Computer Fundamentals and Typing”